Winter 2025 Registration has started! Fitness Classes are being held at Drake, Ohio & NTI. in North Tonawanda. Participates can register for an entire session or can choose one class at a time. If you choose an entire session, you receive one class free! * Included in the total price.
Monday Boot Camp: Bring a set of light weights, an exercise mat, and be prepared for this total body workout focusing on toning, core strength and cardio.
Location: Ohio School- Gym Start Time: 6pm
Dates: Monday, January 6 - May 19 2025. (no class on 1/13, 1/20, 2/17, 3/17, 3/31, 4/14 & 4/21)
Cost: $60 residents; $72 non-residents (13 classes total)
Per Class- $5 resident and $6 non residents
Instructor: Mary Jo Sobus
Tuesday Zumba: Get ready for this fun workout featuring dance moves to work your core and give you that fun cardio workout you've been looking for.
Location: Ohio School Gym NT- Start Time: 6pm
Dates: Tuesday, January 7 - May 20 (no class on 1/14, 2/28, 3/18, 4/15 & 4/22)
Cost: $70 residents; $84 non-residents (15 classes)
Participants who pay for full session receive on class for free! or you can pay one class at a time $5 per session for resident & $6 for non residents
Instructor: Mary Jo Sobus
Wednesday Pilates: Bring an exercise mat, and prepared for a low impact workout that strengthens your core, tones your body and regenerates your balance.
Location: Drake School - NT Start Time: 7pm
Dates: Wednesday, January 8 - May 21, 2025 (no class on 1/29, 2/19, 4/16 & 4/23)
Cost: $75 residents; $90 non-residents for entire session and receive one class free! 0r
pay per class $5 for residents and $6 for non residents (total classes-16)
Instructor: Terri D'Andreamatteo
Hall Walking: This program takes place Monday - Friday 4pm-8pm at the NT Intermediate School. Please sign in at the front door when you walk in.
This program starts Monday, Sept 9- Friday, May 2nd. The cost of this program is $10 for NT residents or non-residents
You must stay off the stairs and remain on the first floor.
This program is closed whenever the school is closed.
Contact Pam Hogan for more information: